United States and Bin Laden. Who's The Real Terrorist ?

I recently heard news of Osama Bin Laden's death by US air strike. This is great news for the American people and I believe gives us some closure we need on the issue of terrorism. That is not to say that terrorism against the United States will not continue but Osama's death does in fact give us the opportunity to focus inward now and revitalize our country from the inside out. We can stop focusing so much on the terrorists and international wars that are draining our time, manpower, and money, and start focusing on domestic issues that can rebuild our economy and our country for the future.

I am optimistic that with the death of Osama, who embodies the image of terrorism to so many Americans, we can see a turning point in our future. Perhaps the fear that has engulfed our nation for the past decade will dissipate, and as I've said before, we can focus on bigger more important things such as improving our domestic situation. Many states are in debt, many people are out of jobs, and many issues need to be addressed if we are to continue forward in technological and social progress. With the symbol of fear killed and wiped away from the face of the earth, the United States can move forward, back to its times as a fearless, purposeful, and dominate world power.
More about Osama Bin Laden's death and what the President has to say on the matter we shall figure out in a few hours, but this is truly a great day for the United States. Many times with a small victory, men can become revitalized and hopeful. I am hopeful that we take this occurrence, this small victory of the United States over global terrorism, and make it into something larger. Hopefully and optimistically I see this victory and Osama's death as giving the people of the United States a chance to create new national spirit. A spirit that embraces the idea that we are still the best and that the United States has a brighter future ahead.
As I said in my last few posts, the current mentality of pessimism and acceptance of defeat will only become a self fulfilled prophecy. We cannot afford to accept our downfall, and we need to focus on rebuilding our country in order to stay the great nation that we have been since the history of its founding. There are problems caused by natural disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina and the tornadoes ripping whole states apart in the south, which we need to fix and not leave desolate. There is the economy and massive unemployment levels, which we need to improve through nationalistic economic policies and a new focus on domestic enterprise. There is social inequality in our country amongst honest hardworking workers, immigrant minorities, women, and the LGBT community, which we need to understand and accept as a part of the future for our country. All these issues are but a few that we can now focus more on with the death of the symbol of terrorism and the man known as Osama Bin Laden.

The death of a universal symbol of terror allows us to move forward as a body of citizens and as a nation with a stronger, more unifying, and triumphant mindset. This national spirit and optimistic mindset will still act as a self fulling prophecy, but one that we look for optimistically and with open arms. It is time to rethink our place in the world and our future. Let us accept our leadership role and not shy away from it. Let us rebuild the structure of our country and plan for a bright future ahead. Let us maintain what we have always been, a leading and progress-oriented world power.

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