RapidHacker Final Build 3.0

Beberapa waktu yang lalu ada sobat blogger yang request tentang akun premium rapidshare, maaf untuk saat ini saya belum bia memenuhinya, ailias belum dapat. Waktu itu sih sempet dapat sih, tapi nggak lama kemudian akunnya udah di blok aja. Apes,, hehehe

Buat sobat blogger yang udah merequest akun premium rapid, coba silahkan gunakan aplikasi RapidHacker Final Build 3.0 ini. Eamang sih nggak sesuai dengan yang diminta, namun RapidHacker Final Build 3.0 ini bisa dijadikan alternativ download manager buat mendownload di situs repidshare.

New features

* Change Resolution For better appearance, is it's designed under 1024x768 Display
* Better Cookie Removal (Fixed some issues)
* Restore (Now RapidHacker restores your Internet Configuration, back to its original configuration)
* Put www.netmasterz.net as Default for OnPageLoad, when applications executed. (neat advertising imho for my favorite site in the whole worlds!) haha
* Changed GUI to darker appearance, instead of boring Gray.
* Added some detailed information where specified/clicked around the program.


* After you paste the rapid*share link, click _Go_
* Click on the rapid*share page, press 'tab' for search Free button
* hit enter if you can't scroll to the free button

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